Not sure if this can help you at all, but I recently tried the carnivore diet to see if there was any merit to it. While I couldn't stick with it due to cost, I did find that within the first few days my joints and muscles all felt 20 years younger. It was suddenly possible to sleep in any position and stiff joints felt like they were filled with butter. The meat itself isn't the solution, but the lack of eating something that doesn't treat my joints right. (I think it's the spice mix I often use.)
Hope you get to feeling better. You're dealing with one of the few things that scares me, and I'd love to hear I helped to take a shot at it.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Nobody deserves to go through this much pain of missing out on opportunities and art. I really just hope that everything gets better for you. Take care and I hope you can recover.
thank you, i appreciate it